Design your
Step into the suspenseful world of digital wealth.
Empower Global Network is committed to empowering, enriching, and educating individuals worldwide. At EGN, we help you understand the true meaning of wealth and provide the tools and insights needed to achieve it through a diverse range of avenues.
Budapest (2023) - DAN JUKES (EGN FOUNDER)
My name is Dan Jukes and for the past 9 years i’ve been leading people towards the ultimate goal of time and location freedom. I realised whilst studying at univerity that something wasn’t adding up. They tell us to go to school, go to college, go to uni. Get a job, get married. Retire and enjoy the rest of your life.. AT 70+??? .. All I had to do was look ahead and see that everyone who has followed this system is broke! So why would I re create a broken cycle? .. More importantly WHY ARE YOU?
At 22 I came across a unique opportunity and just said YES. At the time I had absolutely no idea what I was doing I was just randomly invited to see something by a friends Dad. As I said I had already worked out I needed to find something other than a traditional Job. The first 1/2 years were a real challenge to me. I realised that for things to change for me, I was going to have to change. That came as a surpise and also came with alot of judgement and criticism from other people. At first it hurt, but then I came to realise it is very normal .. the following months I dedicated my life to learning from people who had the results I wanted and that lead me to growing an international business and growing an organisation over 5,000+ in multiple countries. I went from the construction site to traveling the world, speaking on stages and experiencing real Independance.. My mission today is stronger than ever; and that’s to help as many people as possible have the same experience. I believe that 95% of people aren’t really living a life; most are accepting one... But I was never going to be that statisctic.
The Opportunity
Liam, Blackburn
Jory, Bolton
Rhian, London
Eden, Kettering
Jacob, Plymouth
Laura, Dublin